Nandhana Sakthivel

WHPC Blog Editor | University of Trieste, SISSA, ICTP and University of Udine

Nandhana Sakthivel is currently a Master’s student of Data Science and Scientific Computing with Computational Science and Engineering as her curriculum and Quantum computing as her specialisation at University of Trieste, SISSA, ICTP and University of Udine, Italy. Before joining here, she worked as a Software Development Engineer at ZoomRx Healthcare Pvt.Ltd, India with her…

Lara Kisielewska

WHPC Commications & Graphic Design | Xand Marketing

Lara Kisielewska is President of Xand Marketing

Tania Jareen

WHPC Fellowship Programme Director | Wichita State University

Tania Jareen is helping the community as a faculty at Wichita State University. As a leader in the classroom, she is teaching new concepts and skills in the Cyber Security field. She is one of six women in the United States awarded to build the world’s fastest and most powerful network at the SuperComputing conference…