Current WHPC Chapters:
- EPCC at the University of Edinburgh (UK)
- NAG (UK)
- WHPC at Purdue University (USA)
- Rocky Mountain Advanced Computing Consortium (RMACC) (USA)
- Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College (India)
- Texas Tech University (USA)
- Texas WHPC Chapter (USA)
- Thomas Young Centre The MMM Hub (UK)
- University of California Berkeley/Lawrence Berkeley Lab (USA)
- University of Florida (USA)
- Australasian Chapter (Australia and New Zealand)
- National High Technology Center (CeNAT) (Costa Rica)
- Great Plains Network (USA)
- Georgia Institute of Technology (USA)
- Latin American Women on HPC Workshop from The Latin America High Performance Computing (Latin America)
- N8 Centre of Excellence in Computationally Intensive Research (N8 CIR), including the universities of Leeds, Sheffield, Manchester, York, Newcastle, Durham, Liverpool, and Lancaster in the North of England (UK)
- University of Illinois Chicago ACER/Argonne National Laboratory (USA)
- Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (FZJ) (Germany)
- IDEAS Association (Switzerland)
- Mediterranean and Related (MAR)
- National Center for High-Performance Computing (Taiwan)
- Northeast (USA) including Harvard University, Boston University, Northeastern University, Yale University, University of New Hampshire and Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC)
- National High Performance Computing Alliance (NHR) (Germany)
- Central European including IT4Innovations (Czech Republic), ACC Cyfronet AGH (Poland), Vienna Scientific Cluster (Austria), Arctur d.o.o (Slovenia)
- Cambridge & East Anglia (UK)
- WHPC Ireland (Ireland)
- San Diego Supercomputing Centre (USA)
Don’t see your community? We are welcoming new Chapter applications! See below for more details, tips and advice on how to form a Chapter.