What is a WHPC Affiliate?
An affiliate, is similar to a WHPC chapter, in that it is a community-level group that serves a specific area or organisation and fulfils the WHPC mission locally. However, we recognise that not all groups and organisations are suited for creating chapters.
Affiliates may be on their way to being a Chapter or be an organisation which doesn’t directly employ HPC professionals and therefore does not have the local community necessary for a Chapter. For example, an Affiliate may be engaged in providing HPC services or similar, but they do not have a community of women within the organisation itself that they would directly support if they were a chapter. Instead, an affiliate may be active in promoting the vision and mission of WHPC outside their organisation.
Affiliates are formed by individuals or an organization who want to support women in their communities. Having identified regional needs and resources, they determine the activities that would benefit their organisation or group. Each affiliate is responsible for its own fundraising efforts, programmes, relationships, volunteers and so on.
To date, we have four WHPC Affiliates in Europe, South America, and North America.