Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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Research Scientist, Computational Systems Engineering


Wondering where you can work on the most innovative technology in computational modeling and optimization of energy systems? As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that develop diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are essential for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to create scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.

We are seeking engineers to conduct novel research in modeling, simulation, and control with applications to sophisticated engineered systems. This research will work towards developing novel approaches to apply novel concepts in systems model, analysis, and high-performance computing to solve difficult problems that arise when diverse technologies are integrated to solve engineering problems of national interest. A specific area of interest is “smart” energy systems that integrate communications, controls, artificial intelligence, economics, and a network of generation and load to facilitate decarbonization and improve resilience. To solve these ambitious problems, we seek an interdisciplinary team that encompasses expertise in dynamic systems, mathematical modeling, systems engineering, numerical and other simulation methods, model-based design, high performance computing, optimization, and control. We also seek relevant, domain specific knowledge energy systems, communication systems, reliability, and – most importantly – the ability to work within a diverse research environment on problems that cut across these domains. This position resides in the Systems Engineering and Cybernetics Group in the Computational Sciences & Engineering Division of the Computing & Computational Sciences Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).

Major Duties/Responsibilities: 

Design of novel method for the design of cyber-physical systems.
Contribute to the delivery of tools and technologies for the modeling, simulation, and analysis of sophisticated systems
Collaborate with a diverse set of domain experts to discover and solve novel problems at the intersections of research disciplines
Publish research findings in high impact journals and conferences.
Support the development of research proposals to the Department of Energy and other sponsors.

Basic Qualifications:

A PhD in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or other field relevant to the job duties.
Proven research experience in areas such as energy systems modeling, control systems, optimization, systems analysis, and/or other areas related to the research objectives.

Preferred Qualifications:

Excellent interpersonal skills for working within a highly diverse team, as well as strong oral and written communications skills, good organizational habits, and a high degree of personal motivation.
Experience with the development and analyses of domain-specific models
A publication record in leading peer-reviewed resources.
Proven analytical skills using Python, , C++ and/or other programming languages.
Experience with systems analyses techniques.

ORNL Ethics and Conduct:

As a member of the ORNL scientific community, you will be expected to commit to ORNL’s Research Code of Conduct. Our full code of conduct, and a statement by the Lab Director’s office can be found here:

Benefits at ORNL:

UT Battelle offers an exceptional benefits package to include matching 401K, Pension Plan, Paid Vacation and Medical / Dental plan. Onsite amenities include Credit Union, Medical Clinic and free Fitness facilities.


Moving is stressful and expensive, and UT Battelle offers a wide range of relocation benefits for individuals and families to make it easier to come and work here. If you are invited to interview, please ask your Recruiter about relocating with ORNL.