Join in with the Second Mentoring Cohort

The Women in HPC mentoring programme is back for 2024! Rebooted in March 2024, our first cohort had about 30 total participants with about 13 mentors and 17 protégés. This first cohort is now winding down and we’re getting ready to launch our second cohort very soon.

Interested in applying?  Head to our programme page:

WHPC Mentoring Programme


  1. 12 August 2024 AoE, we will extract the current applicants and perform matching.
  2. 14 August 2024 AoE notices will be sent out along with call information.
  3. 16 August 2024 mentoring kick off call. Tentative time will be 9:00 MDT USA. As with the first cohort, we will record the call and post it for those that cannot attend.

If you have any questions or want more information, please email me.

Jay Lofstead