Women in HPC continues to support the gains we are making in bringing greater equity within our community. Come celebrate with us on Wednesday, June 11th all day at the ISC’25 conference.
We’re proud to announce that we will have several supporters distributing WHPC swag prior to the event. You can grab these starting at the Exhibitor Gala, details can be found below!
On June 11th we encourage you to wear your WHPC swag from this or prior years – or simply show your support for increasing the visibility of women and other underrepresented groups in your own way!
Also on the day we are excited to be part of TWO events celebrating our Early Career Poster Authors! Learn more about the Poster Lightning Talks and Networking Reception (schedule coming soon). These events will be open to Exhibition Pass holders and above. Meet the future of HPC – listen to them speak, then come out to browse their posters, and enjoy drinks and nibbles. Support for this reception is made possible through the ISC conference, with additional support from our sponsors.
Many of our allies, members and supporters will be hosting talks or events celebrating diversity throughout the conference. As we get further details we’ll be sure to include them in our agenda.