SC19 will bring together the international supercomputing community in Denver, Colorado, USA, for a week of HPC, networking, data science, cloud computing and of course discussion on how to improve the diversity and inclusion in the HPC community. We are delighted to be taking part once again, and hosting a wide variety of activities. We hope to meet as many of our members, supporters and advocates as possible during the SC19 week.
Sun 17, Nov, 2019 - Fri 22, Nov, 2019
All Day
All Day
Colorado Convention Center
700 14th Street
Denver, CO, 80202
United States
700 14th Street
Denver, CO, 80202
United States

We would like to encourage everyone who has an interest in the equal representation of women to attend our events and activities, irrespective of their gender to attend.
Register at SC19
We would like to encourage everyone who has an interest in the equal representation of women to attend our events and activities, irrespective of their gender to attend.
For the Workshop and BoF, prices vary depending on the type of SC18 pass taken out. Please ensure that you have purchased the correct pass for the event you wish to attend as on-site registration can be significantly more expensive.
What should I register for?
- Workshop: make sure you purchase an SC19 workshop pass.
- BoF: make sure you purchase either an SC19 Exhibit Hall only pass OR a Technical Program pass.
- WHPC Evening Reception: separate registration required via Eventbrite.
- I need a visa – what do I do? WHPC is not responsible for the workshop and BoF registration, this is entirely managed by the organisers of SC19. Therefore Visa letter requests must be made to the SC18 conference organisers. Please contact SC19 registration about these issues.
To take full advantage of the SC19 Early Bird Discount make sure that you register on or before October 16, 2019.
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