The second EuroMPI Careers in HPC Workshop, to be held in association with EuroMPI 2017 at Argonne National Laboratory in Chicago, IL, on 25th September 2017, will provide hands-on sessions for developing the key skills required to excel in a career using MPI in the HPC community.
The “Skills to Thrive: Careers in HPC” workshop is open to the public, so you can stop by even if you have not registered for the conference. The workshop will have talks on work life balance and a panel about promoting diversity and inclusion. Additionally, we have also invited Dr. Anna Kaatz, Director of Computational Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Center for Women’s Health Research. Anna will be talking about methods to identify and address implicit bias at workplace and improving the workplace climate. She will also discuss her research on taking a scientific approach to engaging scientists in diversity and inclusion efforts.
EuroMPI/USA 2017
Don’t forget to also join in with the EuroMPI conference. As a supporter of Women in HPC the conference is a great opportunity to find out about MPI. MPI is now 25 years old and remains the most widely used and influential interface standard for parallel scientific computing using the message-passing model.