Dr. Jacqueline H. Chen
Distinguished Member of Technical Staff
Sandia National Laboratories
We are excited to announce that the conference’s Tuesday keynote session will highlight contributions from female researchers and scientists in advancing the field of computational science. This ongoing commitment to recognize the importance of diversity in the HPC community will provide a platform for women to address computational challenges in HPC, science and engineering.
This year, Dr. Jacqueline H. Chen, a distinguished member of technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories, has been invited to keynote on Tuesday, June 21, on the topic of advancing the science of turbulent combustion using petascale and exascale simulations. In addition to her position at Sandia, Dr. Chen is also the founding Director of the Center for Exascale Simulation of Combustion in Turbulence (ExaCT) and a member of the Board of Directors of the Combustion Institute. She has contributed broadly to research in petascale direct numerical simulations (DNS) of turbulent combustion focusing on fundamental turbulence-chemistry interactions.
In her keynote abstract, Dr. Chen reveals that high-fidelity combustion simulations are needed to provide the underlying science base required to develop more accurate predictive combustion models, which will be used to design more fuel-efficient, cleaner-burning vehicles, planes, and power plants. However, the most sophisticated combustion simulations can only be carried out on future exascale supercomputers, which, in the US, are being initially developed for large government agencies, like the Department of Energy (DOE). In her talk, Dr. Chen will review the current state of petascale turbulent combustion simulation, followed by a discussion of next-generation simulation for these exascale systems.
“With exascale computing, long-standing combustion science challenges related to advanced gas turbines and reciprocating engines can be addressed with high fidelity combustion simulation. The DOE Exascale Computing Program will enable the full spectrum of physics and latency-hiding asynchronous programming paradigms to be incorporated in combustion simulations optimized for multi-core hybrid architecture,” remarked Dr. Chen.
Last year, China’s rising star in HPC, Professor Dr. Yutong Lu, delivered a remarkable keynote about applications able to take advantage of top tier supercomputing systems. She discussed the key issues of application scalability for advanced HPC systems in the post-petascale era. Dr. Lu is the Director for System Software Laboratory at the School of Computer Science at the National University of Defense Technology, China, and was the Director Designer for the Tianhe-1A and Tianhe-2 systems.
“We are always very excited about introducing HPC experts from diverse backgrounds to our conference, community and industry. Now with a prominent platform for women at our conference, we hope community members will come forward to suggest talented speakers to our program committee,” said ISC High Performance general co-chair, Martin Meuer.
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Nages Sieslack is the Marketing Communications Manager at ISC Group and is responsible for all ISC Group marketing communication activities.