By: Toni Collis, Chair Women in High Performance Computing and CBDO at Appentra Solutions.
In just 10 days WHPC will be at the ISC 2018 conference for our fourth year and including the eighth international Women in HPC workshop.
Our events will be focusing on current concerns from the community to improve inclusivity, as well as continuing our goals to provide opportunities for women to network, collaborate and take the next step in their career.
Events include:
- BoF: Retaining the Advantage of a diverse HPC Workforce: How to deal with Microaggression
Most of us recognise that diverse teams foster increased productivity and output. However, in recent years it’s become increasingly clear that recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce is the single biggest challenge. What can we, each of us, do to improve diversity and build a more inclusive environment? Although, microaggression is not something people tend to talk about, it is a real issue that many of us have to face on a daily basis. But what is it? Have you ever heard of, or experienced microaggression? This BoF will help you understand what microaggression is, the damag
e it can do to all communities (not just women!) and the steps you can take. - Reception: Networking and Careers Reception: Connecting talent and opportunity
Following the success of our previous ISC High Performance Luncheon Receptions and our careers evening at SC17 we will be holding our first ISC evening cocktail and buffet dinner networking reception this year. We will be expanding our event and bringing together companies with women (and men!) who wish to find out more about the opportunities they provide from working in a more diverse and inclusive workforce to products and training that will help you build a successful career and thrive in your HPC role. Join us and our Anchor supporter, Lenovo, to discuss working in HPC, brainstorming the difficulties, the challenges, and the opportunities to improve diversity and inclusivity for everyone, and participate in the opportunity to meet our sponsors.
Places are limited: register now! - Eighth International WHPC workshop
Our workshop will discuss methods and steps that can be taken to address the under-representation of women, including how to build a resilient workforce, manage stress, be an advocate and ally and develop skills to thrive for women in their careers. Full details are on our workshop page.
All of our events are designed to give those wishing to build an inclusive, supportive HPC workplace for both themselves and others the knowledge and tools to make this happen.
Full details on all events, including times and locations is available on our dedicated ISC event page.
Register now!
Registration is now open for ISC 2018, which takes place June 24-28 in Frankfurt, Germany.
To participate in our workshop and BoF make sure you register for the workshop and Exhibit floor access.
Registration for the WHPC Evening Reception is free and via Pictatic.
See you in Frankfurt!
About the author: Toni Collis, Chair of Women in High Performance Computing and CBDO for Appentra Solutions
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Dr Toni Collis is the CBDO for Appentra Solutions, Director of Collis-Holmes Innovations and Chair of Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC). Toni is a strategic manager in the HPC community as well as an experienced lecturer and trainer. The focus of her work has been on enabling those without detailed training in computer science and HPC to still use supercomputers. Her current role at Appentra focuses on democratising access to HPC by using the new Parallware technologies to lower the barrier for academics to write and maintain parallel software. Toni is passionate about enabling a broader range of people to make effective and efficient use of HPC facilities to help further their research. As Chair and Co-Founder of WHPC Toni also developed and led training aiming to diversity the HPC workforce by providing HPC tutorials for women academics and students in Europe.