Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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Full Stack Software Developer (Hybrid Eligible)


Dive into the heart of innovation with a role that’s more than just a job—it’s a mission. As a full-stack software developer with us, your technical acumen and enthusiasm for innovation will not only shape the next wave of software development but will also revolutionize the way scientific data is managed and shared. In our collaborative oasis of innovation, you’ll propel research that transcends disciplines, making strides in scientific discovery. Seize the chance to grow, inspire, and be inspired, making meaningful contributions to science and technology.

In this pivotal role, you will be crafting products and services that redefine scientific data management at leadership-class scale. We’re scouting for a developer with a creative mind eager to grow and to innovate. While proficiency in C/C++/Python, data-centric applications, distributed architectures, and microservices architecture is desirable, a tenacious appetite for learning is our cornerstone requirement. You’ll join a cohort of multi-disciplinary team of experts, united by a dedication to elevate data across a scientific ecosystem. Together, we tackle some of the most compelling challenges, leveraging state-of-the-art technology and developing innovative solutions. This role is nestled within the Data Lifecycle Technologies group of the Advanced Technologies section at the National Center for Computational Sciences, part of the Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).

As a beacon of ingenuity within the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratories, ORNL boasts an illustrious 80-year legacy of tackling global challenges head-on. With a vibrant community of over 6,000 dedicated professionals, we’re not just envisioning the future; we’re manifesting it. Our strategic vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is at the core of our ethos, ensuring that ORNL is not just a premier workplace but a diverse crucible of ideas, fostering excellence and innovation across every endeavor. These principles are the bedrock of our mission to expedite transformative scientific discoveries into tangible solutions for energy, the environment, and national security.

Major Duties/Responsibilities: 

Develop software applications and science-based systems
Collaborate with other research and technical professionals to develop new capabilities that execute on ORNL’s leading data and compute infrastructures.
Support multiple technology projects at the same time.
Develop, test, and deploy services.
Evaluate and test third-party software
Deliver ORNL’s mission by aligning behaviors, priorities, and interactions with our core values of Impact, Integrity, Teamwork, Safety, and Service. Promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility by fostering a respectful workplace – in how we treat one another, work together, and measure success.

Basic Qualifications:

Bachelor’s degree in computer science or software engineering, with a minimum of 2 years of programming experience OR Master’s degree in computer science or software engineering, with a minimum of 1 year of programming experience.
Experience with one or more of the following languages:  C/C++, Go, or Python.
Experience with containers (e.g., Docker) and container orchestration (e.g., Kubernetes).
Experience with version control systems (e.g., Git).
Experience with CI/CD practices, test methodologies.

Preferred Qualifications:

Proficiency with any front-end languages (e.g., Javascript, AngularJS, React).
Willingness to learn new programming languages and technologies.
Motivated self-starter with the ability to work independently and to participate creatively in a collaborative setting.
Strong problem-solving skills.
Ability to think critically.
Excellent written and oral communication skills.
Ability to function well in a fast-paced research environment, set priorities to accomplish multiple tasks within deadlines, and adapt to ever changing needs.

Special Requirements: 

Visa sponsorship: Visa sponsorship is not available for this position, now or in the future.

Benefits at ORNL:  

ORNL offers competitive pay and benefits programs to attract and retain talented people. The laboratory offers many employee benefits, including medical and retirement plans and flexible work hours, to help you and your family live happy and healthy. Employee amenities such as on-site fitness, banking, and cafeteria facilities are also provided for convenience.

Other benefits include the following: Prescription Drug Plan, Dental Plan, Vision Plan, 401(k) Retirement Plan, Contributory Pension Plan, Life Insurance, Disability Benefits, Generous Vacation and Holidays, Parental Leave, Legal Insurance with Identity Theft Protection, Employee Assistance Plan, Flexible Spending Accounts, Health Savings Accounts, Wellness Programs, Educational Assistance, Relocation Assistance, and Employee Discounts.

If you have difficulty using the online application system or need an accommodation to apply due to a disability, please email: or call 1.866.963.9545.


In addition, we offer a flexible work environment that supports both the organization and the employee. A hybrid/onsite working arrangement may be available with this position.