Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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Research Scientist, Urban Climate AI


The Computational Urban Sciences Group in the Computational Sciences and Engineering Division (CSED) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) seeks to hire a research scientist who will specialize in employing AI techniques in the realm of Urban Climate. This position involves applying computational and data science methodologies to originate and cultivate innovative scientific investigations within domains like climate change, natural disasters, their effects on urban systems, water supply and hydoinformatics. Additionally, the role includes addressing various emergencies, such as extreme events and pandemics. Do you have an expertise in uncovering knowledge through data-driven approaches, excelling in high-performance computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and statistical learning? Join our team and apply these skills to develop models that effectively tackle diverse urban phenomena!

The Computational Urban Sciences Group consists of a diverse team of scientists engaged in applied research at the crossroads of computing and intricate urban systems within the emerging context of smart cities. This includes areas like energy infrastructures, modernizing the electric grid, improving sustainable mobility, creating responsive buildings, understanding the evolving impacts of severe weather and climate, and utilizing data-driven approaches for emergency response and resilience. These advancements are made possible by the growing array of technologies such as big data, modeling and simulation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, visualization, graph analytics, high-performance computing, and cloud computing. You are looking for someone who feels at ease collaborating within a closely-knit team and possess the ability to contribute to multiple projects concurrently.

As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.

Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

Conduct fundamental and applied research concerning urban climate and its effects on urban networks (such as electric grids, natural gas, and transportation networks), urban well-being, and urban emergencies, with a significant emphasis on AI, ML, Modeling and Simulation, and High-Performance Computing.
Devise innovative approaches to address issues of national significance and strategize and execute the necessary research and development to practically implement these solutions.
Collaborate with CSED researchers, as well as internal and external project sponsors, to capture, comprehend, incorporate, and actualize their requirements within developed algorithms and software solutions.
Lead and participate in various R&D initiatives. Work both autonomously and within teams to define prerequisites and proposals, conduct research, and generate functional prototypes for showcasing.
Uphold and enrich a robust record of scientific publications and engage in external professional associations.

Basic Qualifications:

PhD in geology and geophysics; environmental science; environmental engineering; or related disciplines.
2+ years of experience building information systems to support data-driven discoveries outside of Ph.D.
Candidates must have a demonstrated ability of working with big-data, stong publication records, and having built information systems supporting discovery of scientific insights for urban systems.

Preferred Qualifications:

Research experience in climate change science, natural hazards, water resource management, hydroinformatics, and emergency response strategies.
Direct experience with streaming data, integrated data systems, and generating data-driven insights.
Knowledge of real-time earth/urban systems, forecasting, energy resources and impacts at national/global scales, and knowledge of process uncertainty.
Experience in deep learning, machine learning, data science, data visualization, geographic information systems, big-data mining, high performance computing, and simulation and modeling is desirable.
Strong social and communication skills and experience in working with multidisciplinary teams.
Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
Experience in working with multidisciplinary teams.
Experience with stakeholder engagement and science communication.

Benefits at ORNL:

ORNL offers competitive pay and benefits programs to attract and retain hard-working people. The laboratory offers many employee benefits, including medical and retirement plans and flexible work hours, to help you and your family live happy and healthy. Employee amenities such as on-site fitness, banking, and cafeteria facilities are also provided for convenience.

Other benefits include the following: Prescription Drug Plan, Dental Plan, Vision Plan, 401(k) Retirement Plan, Contributory Pension Plan, Life Insurance, Disability Benefits, Generous Vacation and Holidays, Parental Leave, Legal Insurance with Identity Theft Protection, Employee Assistance Plan, Flexible Spending Accounts, Health Savings Accounts, Wellness Programs, Educational Assistance, Relocation Assistance, and Employee Discounts.

If you have difficulty using the online application system or need an accommodation to apply due to a disability, please email: or call 1.866.963.9545.