WHPC@ISC24 launches webinar to showcase ISC WHPC Poster Submissions

The Volunteer Committee for ISC24 are pleased to invite our members, friends, and allies to the “WHPC Online Webinar: Showcasing Our ISC24 Submissions,” which will be held on May 2, 2024, at 4 p.m. CEST.

This online event will give our Early Career speakers a chance to present their work to the broader membership prior to our conference in Hamburg and gather valuable feedback.  We’ll start our session with a quick introduction before turning the mic over to each speaker, who will be presenting their work within a 1.5 minute time frame!  After each talk mentors and guests will have an opportunity to give feedback to our speakers, who will incorporate it into the final presentation taking place live at the ISC24 conference in Hall G1, 2nd Floor on May 14th between 2:15 PM and 2:30 PM.

Check out our current line-up of speakers:

  • Phoebe Cullen: “Developing a Parallel Algorithm to Simulate the Merging of Proteins using a Mesh-based Approach”
  • Meriam Gay Bautista: “Comparative Performance Evaluation Using Commercial and Open-Source Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Tools”
  • Laura J. Moran: “Rust in HPC: a comparison to C and Fortran”
  • Micah DePetro: “Following the CI/CD (Career Integration/Career Development) Pipeline to Introduce, Develop, and Retain Professionals in the HPC Community”
  • Juniper Tyree: “Reproducibility in HPC applications using WebAssembly”

Learn about their research, and help them improve their final presentation – join in and assist our future leaders in building up confidence in their presentation skills!

Details and registration: REGISTER HERE