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Our Latest Blogs

EuroMPI and Women in HPC partnership to improve diversity

Guest post by: Daniel Holmes, EPCC and Chair of EuroMPI 2016. EuroMPI 2016 and Women in HPC are delighted to announce the first partnership between Women in HPC and a High Performance Computing Conference. EuroMPI is the pre-eminent meeting for users, developers and researchers to interact and discuss new developments and applications of message passing parallel…


Broadening participation in HPC: taking outreach to the next level

One of the reasons why EPCC set up Women in HPC is because we recognised there was a problem. The problem was the apparent lack of women in the supercomputing community. When my colleagues and I started Women in HPC, our purpose was very clear: to recruit and retain women in the international HPC workforce.…


Acknowledging Women’s Success—in HPC and Beyond

Guest blog by: Nadine Horner, External Relations Officer for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and T.R. Girill, Visiting Scientist at LLNL. In October, 2013, the Women’s Association (LLLWA) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (California, USA) began a project to recognize the sometimes neglected technical and administrative achievements of the lab’s women staff members (many of whom are…
