NHR Women in HPC (NHR|WHPC) Chapter announces SC24 Travel Grants
NHR Women in HPC (NHR|WHPC) Chapter announces SC24 Travel Grants The WHPC and the NHR Women in HPC (NHR|WHPC) chapter are pleased to announce the launch of our Travel Grants!…
NHR Women in HPC (NHR|WHPC) Chapter announces SC24 Travel Grants The WHPC and the NHR Women in HPC (NHR|WHPC) chapter are pleased to announce the launch of our Travel Grants!…
AJ Lauer: Allyship in HPC During our recent conversation with AJ Lauer, CEO and Owner of Thriving Ibis Leadership Solutions, the Move the Needle team gained a comprehensive understanding of allyship…
Move the Needle: Insights into HPC and Student Development In a recent Interview with Dr. Ludovic Capelli, Teaching Fellow at EPCC/University of Edinburgh, the Move the Needle team explored what…
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NHR Women in HPC (NHR|WHPC) Chapter announces SC24 Travel Grants The WHPC and the NHR Women in HPC (NHR|WHPC) chapter are pleased to announce the launch of our Travel Grants! Thanks to the NHR Alliance, we are able to offer six travel grants to SC 2024 taking place in Atlanta, GA, USA, from November 17…
DetailsMove the Needle: The 2024 Winter Classic Invitational Student Cluster Competition and the Drive for Diversity in HPC Cristin Merritt, CMO of Alces Flight, spoke with Dan Olds, Chief Research Officer of Intersect360 Research, about how his novel idea for a Student Cluster Competition targeted at historically black and Hispanic colleges in the US came…
DetailsWomen in HPC showcase their project knowledge at HPCKP23 Executive Board Member, Cristin Merritt, and Chapter member for Barcelona, Elisabeth Ortega presented on open source and quantum computing at this non-profit initiative for increasing knowledge, inclusion, and sustainability in the field of supercomputing. The UK and EU volunteers of WHPC came together with members of…
DetailsCIUK’s First Women in HPC Breakfast starts with heart For the first time the Computing Insight UK (CIUK) conference welcomed WHPC volunteers and chapter leaders together in what hopes to become an annual event. Over two hours CIUK badge holders networked, listened to talks, and engaged in lively discussion around the positive changes needed in…
Details“Women, now more than ever, are essential drivers of advanced civilizations and economies. Women should also have a role contributing to the future of HPC.” Our new series showcases the WHPC Mentorship program mentors. Our hope is that by highlighting these trailblazers—and the sometimes unique paths they followed into the field—other women will…
Details“HPC is changing the world. Only through diverse opinions and perspectives can we ensure it changes the world for the better” Our new series showcases the WHPC Mentorship program mentors. Our hope is that by highlighting these trailblazers—and the sometimes unique paths they followed into the field—other women will feel inspired to envision…
DetailsThis researcher blends electrical engineering with AI to solve climate change problems Guest post by: Alisa Alering, Science Node First published on Science Node on 28th April 2020 Our new series, Paths to HPC, showcases women working in high-performance computing. Our hope is that by highlighting these trailblazers—and the sometimes unique paths…
DetailsFrom computer summer camp to showing the community why HPC matters. Guest post by: Alisa Alering, Science Node First published on Science Node on 15th October 2019 Our new series, Paths to HPC, showcases women working in high-performance computing. Our hope is that by highlighting these trailblazers—and the sometimes unique paths they followed…
DetailsBuilding a career in HPC is impossible to do alone Guest post by: Alisa Alering, Science Node First published on Science Node on 18th February 2020 Our new series, Paths to HPC, showcases women working in high-performance computing. Our hope is that by highlighting these trailblazers—and the sometimes unique paths they followed into…
DetailsFrom expectations of becoming a farmer to the ground floor of US supercomputing Guest post by: Alisa Alering, Science Node First published on Science Node on 21st January 2020 Our new series, Paths to HPC, showcases women working in high-performance computing. Our hope is that by highlighting these trailblazers—and the sometimes unique paths…
DetailsGive your best to what you do, but try not to get lost into perfectionism. Our new series, Paths to HPC, showcases women working in high-performance computing. Our hope is that by highlighting these trailblazers—and the sometimes unique paths they followed into the field—other women will feel inspired to envision themselves in similar roles.…
DetailsI’ve always loved math, computers, and science, and HPC is right at the intersection of these three fields! Our new series, Paths to HPC, showcases women working in high-performance computing. Our hope is that by highlighting these trailblazers—and the sometimes unique paths they followed into the field—other women will feel inspired to envision themselves…