Women in HPC announce Travel Fellowships for ISC25
Women in HPC announce Travel Fellowships for ISC25 The Executive Committee and Volunteers of Women in HPC (WHPC) are thrilled to announce the return of Travel Fellowships for the ISC25…
Women in HPC announce Travel Fellowships for ISC25 The Executive Committee and Volunteers of Women in HPC (WHPC) are thrilled to announce the return of Travel Fellowships for the ISC25…
ISC increases opportunities to contribute in 2025 Get ready for an exciting ISC25! This year’s conference is packed with opportunities to grow your network and connect the dots (get it?)…
Move the Needle: Enhancing Engagement in the HPC Community At the recent Sustainable Reality event at Bletchley Park, hosted by Alces Flight, Zara Birch, Engagement Officer at NI-HPC, discussed the…
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WHPC and Alces Flight to Collaborate on “Move the Needle” Initiative This year-long project, running from January to November, 2024 will track the ways in which individuals, companies and institutions are making positive progress in workplace inclusion. Despite the continuous growth of the supercomputing field, fueled by larger systems, new research domains, and the integration…
DetailsAn NSF grant combined with significant DOE support sends women to build the world’s fastest computer network. Guest post by: Alisa Alering, Science Node https://sciencenode.org/feature/this-womans-work.php”>Science Node on 21st February 2018 Each year a very-high capacity temporary network is designed and built solely to serve the world’s largest conference of all things supercomputing: SC. Planned more…
DetailsGuest post by Scott Lathrop, Blue Waters Project, NCSA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and the Shodor Education Foundation, Inc. In 2013, NSF commissioned the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to examine the priorities and associated trade-offs for advanced computing in support of NSF-sponsored science and engineering research. The committee’s report made recommendations…
DetailsHappy International Women’s Day from the WHPC team. International Women’s Day was first celebrated in 1910, after the initial observance in New York on February 28 1909. Now, 108 years later, society has come a long way to recognising the participation and achievements of women, though as our followers know, we still have some way…
DetailsBy: Elsa Gonsiorowski, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. This post was first published on http://www.gonsie.com/blorg. In celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8, dev.to is boosting stories from women. Here is some of my story, inspired by Nevertheless, She Coded. Why I Code I code to communicate science. I define myself as a scientist and have had a life-long…
DetailsGuest blog by: Alison Kennedy, The Hartree Centre High Performance Computing (HPC) and High Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) – the provenance of the Hartree Centre – are rapidly expanding areas of importance to academia and industry, with myriad new employment opportunities arising. It is predicted that the gap between supply and demand of skilled staff…
DetailsGreetings WHPC Champions and Supporters! In an effort to ensure the greater HPC sector is inclusive and welcoming to all communities, Women in HPC is launching an online campaign this SC17. We need your help to illustrate the many faces of HPC and raise awareness of the essential role of diversity and inclusion in our…
DetailsBy: Dr. Barbara Collignon, Senior Systems Analyst, Bank of Canada. The views expressed here are those solely of the author. No responsibility for them should be attributed to the Bank of Canada. On April the 13th 2017, I attended the Data Effect in Ottawa to learn about the next-gen supercomputing Canadian infrastructure. Investments are indeed pouring…
DetailsThe Advanced Computing for Social Change Program (ACSC) held their inaugural event November 13-16, 2016 in conjunction with SC16. The event hosted by XSEDE, TACC, and SC16 identified 20 graduate and undergrad students to participate in a week-long event. The goal was to capture the imagination of millennial and post-millennial students by engaging them in…
Details[section background_repeat=”repeat” background_position=”center top” background_attachment=”static” background_scroll=”none”] [/section] By Kelly Nolan, Compute Canada Executive Director, External Affairs and Compute Canada’s Women in HPC Chapter Click here for more information about the Compute Canada Women in HPC Chapter Give this a try: Type “woman and computers” in Google Images. Included among the first images to appear are a…
Details[one_sixth valign=”top” animation=”none”] [/one_sixth] [two_third valign=”top” animation=”none”] [/two_third] [one_sixth_last valign=”top” animation=”none”] [/one_sixth_last] The annual SC conference is the “go-to” event for innovation in our community, but for those focused on the development of a robust future computational workforce, one announcement in particular stood out at SC15: creation of the ACM SIGHPC/Intel Computational and Data Science…
DetailsGuest post by: Daniel Holmes, EPCC and Chair of EuroMPI 2016. EuroMPI 2016 and Women in HPC are delighted to announce the first partnership between Women in HPC and a High Performance Computing Conference. EuroMPI is the pre-eminent meeting for users, developers and researchers to interact and discuss new developments and applications of message passing parallel…