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Why I Brought an All-Female Team to the Student Cluster Competition at ISC16

[section background_repeat=”repeat” background_position=”center top” background_attachment=”static” background_scroll=”none”] [/section] By Rebecca Hartman-Baker, Acting Leader of User-Engagement Group, NERSC, Berkeley Lab I recently gained some notoriety by coaching a team of six high-school and college-age women to compete in the Student Cluster Competition (SCC) at ISC. It was the first-ever male-free team in the history of the ISC competition.…


Graydon helps HPCS delegates tackle gender bias

[section background_repeat=”repeat” background_position=”center top” background_attachment=”static” background_scroll=”none”] [/section] By Kelly Nolan, Compute Canada Executive Director, External Affairs and Compute Canada’s Women in HPC Chapter Click here for more information about the Compute Canada Women in HPC Chapter Give this a try: Type “woman and computers” in Google Images. Included among the first images to appear are a…


WHPC at ISC 2016

[section background_repeat=”repeat” background_position=”center top” background_attachment=”static” background_scroll=”none”] [/section] By Toni Collis, Women in HPC Founder and Director and Applications Consultant at EPCC, University of Edinburgh. The week of ISC High Performance 2016 in mid June, saw the most exciting set of WHPC events to date!  The Women in HPC team set off from all over the…


To Attract More Women to HPC Careers, We Need to Tell the Full Story

By Marie-Christine Sawley, Ph.D; Director of the Intel Exascale Lab in Paris This post first appeared on https://itpeernetwork.intel.com/ on 13 June 2016. Technical professions still attract more men than women, and high performance computing (HPC) is no exception. Although there are growing numbers of women working in the diverse areas of HPC, women as a whole…


Closing the gap: software carpentry training for women

  By Aleksandra Pawlik, formerly of the Software Sustainability Institute Closing the gender gap in STEM is a broad topic. Increasing diversity and female participation at all levels of education and professional world in science and technology is a subject of lots of debates. The Software Sustainability Institute where I work has hosted a series…


At Harvey Mudd College, the Ratio of Women in Computer Science Increased from 10% to 40% in 5 Years

Guest post by Maria Klawe, President of Harvey Mudd College. [one_sixth valign=”top” animation=”none”] [/one_sixth] [two_third valign=”top” animation=”none”] [/two_third] [one_sixth_last valign=”top” animation=”none”] [/one_sixth_last] Heres how we did it This article first appeared on BackChannel on 26 February 2016. I’ve been passionate my whole life about getting more women into technology careers. After 40 years as an…


Diverse Candidates in Data and Computational Science Supported by New ACM/Intel Fellowships

[one_sixth valign=”top” animation=”none”] [/one_sixth] [two_third valign=”top” animation=”none”] [/two_third] [one_sixth_last valign=”top” animation=”none”] [/one_sixth_last] The annual SC conference is the “go-to” event for innovation in our community, but for those focused on the development of a robust future computational workforce, one announcement in particular stood out at SC15: creation of the ACM SIGHPC/Intel Computational and Data Science…


Using HPC to track worldwide protest outbreaks

Starting with the Arab Spring, recent years have witness waves of protests sweeping across the countries and continents sometimes resulting in political and governmental change. During the time of protests, social media has been used not only for casual everyday communication but also mobilising the public, organising protests and spreading information which is vital in…


EuroMPI and Women in HPC partnership to improve diversity

Guest post by: Daniel Holmes, EPCC and Chair of EuroMPI 2016. EuroMPI 2016 and Women in HPC are delighted to announce the first partnership between Women in HPC and a High Performance Computing Conference. EuroMPI is the pre-eminent meeting for users, developers and researchers to interact and discuss new developments and applications of message passing parallel…


Broadening participation in HPC: taking outreach to the next level

One of the reasons why EPCC set up Women in HPC is because we recognised there was a problem. The problem was the apparent lack of women in the supercomputing community. When my colleagues and I started Women in HPC, our purpose was very clear: to recruit and retain women in the international HPC workforce.…


How many women should you expect at an academic event?

By Simon Hettrick, Deputy Director, Software Sustainability Institute I’ve attended a lot of events during my time in academia, but I can think of only one where women outnumbered men (one of the BSA’s Science Communication Conferences). This is not a revelation, of course. It’s well known that women are poorly represented at events: as…
