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Our Latest Blogs

ISC High Performance Keynote Proclaims Women’s Excellence in Computational Science

We are excited to announce that the conference’s Tuesday keynote session will highlight contributions from female researchers and scientists in advancing the field of computational science. This ongoing commitment to recognize the importance of diversity in the HPC community will provide a platform for women to address computational challenges in HPC, science and engineering. This…


Women through time: from computer science to software development with Grace.

[section background_repeat=”repeat” background_position=”center top” background_attachment=”static” background_scroll=”none”] [/section] [section background_repeat=”repeat” background_position=”center top” background_attachment=”static” background_scroll=”none”] Raquel Alegre I work as a Software Developer at University College London in the Research Software Development Group where we collaborate with researchers across campus, covering fields from Ancient History to Astrophysics, to facilitate their research by improving the quality of their…


Women in Scientific Application Software – from the NSCCS perspective

Guest post by Alex Simperler, NSCCS, Imperial College London. Intrigued by talking to Toni Collis of  “Women in High Performance Computing” who are working towards equal representation in HPC, I started to question how “equal” we are in Scientific Application Software usage. The NSCCS – short for EPSRC National Service for Computational Chemistry Software –…


Acknowledging Women’s Success—in HPC and Beyond

Guest blog by: Nadine Horner, External Relations Officer for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and T.R. Girill, Visiting Scientist at LLNL. In October, 2013, the Women’s Association (LLLWA) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (California, USA) began a project to recognize the sometimes neglected technical and administrative achievements of the lab’s women staff members (many of whom are…


The new Women in HPC website

After months of planning our new website went live in November to coincide with Supercomputing 2015. We wanted a new website to better collaborate with the community and share with you the topics we are most passionate about, and we were delighted when McMahon Consulting (http://bizmarkstrat.com/), a full-service marketing agency based in Colorado, USA and Xand Marketing…


Welcome to the new Women in HPC blog

Launched today, as part of our new website, this blog will provide the opportunity for the community to share experiences and career development tools, ideas, provide information on events, and of course latest HPC news! In the coming weeks we will share with you contributions from around the world on initiatives on improving diversity in…


New blog coming soon!

We will be launching the new Women in HPC blog in January 2016. Please check back for new posts! If you would like to contribute to the Women in HPC blog please get in touch by email.
