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Travel Bursary Opportunity for WHPC Poster Authors at ISC23

TRAVEL BURSARY OPPORTUNITY FOR ISC23 WHPC POSTER AUTHORS! Women in HPC would like to announce we have secured up to two travel bursaries for successful poster authors in our WHPC Early Career Poster session at ISC23. Thanks to our incredible supporters, we now have the ability to fund two of our authors up to £3,000…


WHPC headed to ISC23

Women in HPC is returning to ISC23 with in-person posters and networking reception We are pleased to announce our return to the ISC conference series, taking place May 21 – 25, 2023 in Hamburg, Germany.  This year, we are proud to announce our posters will return as a separate, in-person event alongside our networking reception! …


After interviewing over 40 women in HPC, here’s what one of our volunteers learned.

For three years Executive Committee Member Cristin Merritt has had the opportunity to learn some valuable lessons about how female leaders found their career path in supercomputing.  (Reprinted with Permission.) I’ve always been a big believer in contributing to positive change. So, in 2021, I got the opportunity to volunteer for the Supercomputing (SC) conference series and…


WHPC SC22 Recap!

Women in HPC’s Supercomputing 2023 Workshop Recap! After two years online, the volunteers for Women in High-Performance Computing (WHPC) were pleased to return in person to SC22 in Dallas, Texas to present their fourteenth annual WHPC workshop. Focused on providing a platform for the HPC community to discuss diversity and inclusivity issues, this year’s full-day…


NHR Germany rocks SC

NHR rocks SC Anja Gerbes and Jan Laukemann from the National High Performance Computing Alliance (NHR) in Germany write about their experiences at SC22 in Dallas, TX. The Supercomputing Conference, which took place in Nov 2022 in Dallas, TX, is not only a gathering of more than ten thousand individuals from cutting-edge HPC companies, researchers,…


SC22 Networking Reception brings members, friends and allies together

Women in HPC bring back the Supercomputing (SC) Networking Reception in Dallas, TX This year’s reception was captured by the team at the Purdue University Rosen Center for Advanced Computing – special thanks for the incredible images of the event. SC22 has now come and gone but the volunteers for Purdue made sure that good…


CIUK’s First Women in HPC Breakfast starts with heart

CIUK’s First Women in HPC Breakfast starts with heart For the first time the Computing Insight UK (CIUK) conference welcomed WHPC volunteers and chapter leaders together in what hopes to become an annual event.  Over two hours CIUK badge holders networked, listened to talks, and engaged in lively discussion around the positive changes needed in…


WHPC Shares HPCWire’s Diversity and Inclusion Award!

Women in HPC shares HPCWire’s Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Award! We are proud to announce that this year’s HPCWire award for Diversity and Inclusion Leadership is being shared between ourselves and STEM-Trek.  HPCWire’s Editors have also selected Centre for High Performance Computing (CHPC) and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications for additional recognition, taking the honours…


CIUK’s Jacky Pallas Award – Celebrating Early Career Research in the UK

Jacky Pallas was a true pioneer in High Performance Computing in the UK.  She focused on what her friend and colleague, Dr. Jeremy Yates, referred to as the ‘Other,’ emphasising the outcome, health, safety, and wellbeing of the research and the researchers first and letting those needs guide the technical requirements.  Her persistent drive to…


WHPC nominated for HPCWire Reader’s Choice Award

We are pleased and humbled to announce that we have been nominated alongside of seven other institutions for the 2022 HPCWire Reader’s Choice Award for Workforce Diversity & Inclusion Leadership. It is wonderful to see so many nominees in this category and we want to thank the HPC Community for putting our work forward. HPCWire’s…


WHPC workshop @ ISC’22 – Attendee Survey Results!

WHPC workshop @ ISC’22 – Attendee Survey Results! The goal of WHPC workshops is not only to bring together women in HPC, give them the opportunity to present their work and showcase role models, but also to engage with other members of the community to create a welcoming space that works for everyone. We always…


WHPC heads to CIUK 2022

Women in HPC to host First Annual UK WHPC Breakfast at CIUK 2022 Planned for December 2, 2022 this breakfast welcomes UK members, friends and allies to meet, network, and hear about the latest in diversity initiatives from our community, chapters and affiliates. The UK-based Chapters and Affiliates of Women in HPC are excited to…
