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Greetings WHPC Champions and Supporters! In an effort to ensure the greater HPC sector is inclusive and welcoming to all communities, Women in HPC is launching an online campaign this SC17. We need your help to illustrate the many faces of HPC and raise awareness of the essential role of diversity and inclusion in our…


I Am A Research Software Engineer

By: Dr Mozhgan Kabiri Chimeh, Research Associate/Research Software Engineer in Massive Scale Complex Systems Simulation with Accelerated Computing at University of Sheffield, UK. I am a Research Software Engineer (RSE) at Computer Science Department, University of Sheffield. I started working as one in September 2016 and I’ve been enjoying every moment of it. One of…


Professional Responsibility in Research Science (and the lack thereof)!

Guest post by: Smarty Pants Science The job of a scientist is immensely rewarding — but also technically challenging, and often riddled with administrative and institutional red tape. Learning how to navigate these challenges is critical for mastering the practice of science and advancing early career scientists (students, interns, post docs, etc). The role of good…


Improving diversity at conferences

With the SC17 conference just around the corner, I was reminded that WHPC is frequently asked how to improve diversity at conferences. As Inclusivity Chair for SC17, I can assure you that there is no simple quick-fix. Instead it takes constant effort during the entire period of planning and execution of the conference. Last year,…


Faces of HPC

One of the things that I believe in passionately is that personal characteristics should not be a barrier to participating in any aspect of life. This belief is what led me and my colleagues to set-up Women in HPC, as our gender affects us personally. However, I am also very aware that gender is just…


Diversity in Action

Guest Post by: Marie-Christine Sawley, Intel In the HPC community we are passionate about technical capacity to solve complex problems. We also understand that HPC is having a growing impact on societal and economic challenges. We encourage women in technology to come gain hands-on experience with Intel platforms, network with Intel and industry experts, and…


Q&A with SC17 Inclusivity Chair Toni Collis

As Inclusivity Chair for SC17 I have spent the last 18 months embedding diversity and inclusion best practice into every aspect of the SC conference. This article, written for the SC17 conference, explains why the conference is embracing this activity and the benefits we can all receive. 1. What exactly does the term “inclusivity” mean?…


The importance of formal mentoring

By Athina Frantzana I hear more and more people talking about mentoring and looking for a mentor to guide them in the fast and demanding rhythms of the modern lifestyle and workload. But mentoring is not an invention of the modern world. From the ancient Greek mythology, where goddess Athena disguises to an old man…


A Timely, Reliable, and Cost-Effective Internet Transport Service using Dissemination Graphs

Guest post on the The ICDCS 2017 Best Paper By: Amy Babay (Johns Hopkins University; USA), Emily Wagner (Johns Hopkins University, LTN Global Communications; USA), Michael Dinitz (Johns Hopkins University; USA), Yair Amir (Johns Hopkins University, LTN Global Communications; USA) The Internet natively supports end-to-end reliable communication (e.g. using TCP) or best-effort timely communication (e.g.…


Changing the world: My week at ISC High Performance 2017

It is one week since I left Frankfurt after the best week for Women in HPC so far since our launch in 2014. I spent a lot of my week personally talking about how I want to ‘make the world a better place’. It sounds very cliché but I believe it is a message that…


PRACE Summer of HPC: An experience to remember

This post was first published on the PRACE website. By Harry O’Neil, For PRACE. In The Summer of HPC is a PRACE programme that offers summer placements at HPC centres across Europe. Up to 20 top applicants from across Europe are selected to participate. Participants spend two months working on projects related to PRACE technical…


Understanding near space

An Interview with Minna Palmroth, by CSC, the Finish IT Center for Science This post was first published on the CSC website. Minna Palmroth and her team have developed the most accurate space weather simulator in the world – a model that shows us how solar wind affects us. Why doesn’t the water under bridges…
