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Improving diversity at conferences

With the SC17 conference just around the corner, I was reminded that WHPC is frequently asked how to improve diversity at conferences. As Inclusivity Chair for SC17, I can assure you that there is no simple quick-fix. Instead it takes constant effort during the entire period of planning and execution of the conference. Last year,…


Faces of HPC

One of the things that I believe in passionately is that personal characteristics should not be a barrier to participating in any aspect of life. This belief is what led me and my colleagues to set-up Women in HPC, as our gender affects us personally. However, I am also very aware that gender is just…


Diversity in Action

Guest Post by: Marie-Christine Sawley, Intel In the HPC community we are passionate about technical capacity to solve complex problems. We also understand that HPC is having a growing impact on societal and economic challenges. We encourage women in technology to come gain hands-on experience with Intel platforms, network with Intel and industry experts, and…


Q&A with SC17 Inclusivity Chair Toni Collis

As Inclusivity Chair for SC17 I have spent the last 18 months embedding diversity and inclusion best practice into every aspect of the SC conference. This article, written for the SC17 conference, explains why the conference is embracing this activity and the benefits we can all receive. 1. What exactly does the term “inclusivity” mean?…


Changing the world: My week at ISC High Performance 2017

It is one week since I left Frankfurt after the best week for Women in HPC so far since our launch in 2014. I spent a lot of my week personally talking about how I want to ‘make the world a better place’. It sounds very cliché but I believe it is a message that…


The Data Effect, Ottawa – Exclusive Insights for Women in HPC

By: Dr. Barbara Collignon, Senior Systems Analyst, Bank of Canada. The views expressed here are those solely of the author. No responsibility for them should be attributed to the Bank of Canada.  On April the 13th 2017, I attended the Data Effect in Ottawa to learn about the next-gen supercomputing Canadian infrastructure. Investments are indeed pouring…


Advanced Computing for Social Change

The Advanced Computing for Social Change Program (ACSC) held their inaugural event November 13-16, 2016 in conjunction with SC16. The event hosted by XSEDE, TACC, and SC16 identified 20 graduate and undergrad students to participate in a week-long event. The goal was to capture the imagination of millennial and post-millennial students by engaging them in…


Gender equality in higher education: a view from a social scientist

By: Dr. Charikleia Tzanakou, The University of Warwick I am a social sciences researcher, interested in gender and academic careers in different disciplinary, institutional and national contexts. Since my PhD, I have been fascinated asking PhD graduates for their career stories especially in subject areas such as engineering, chemistry, mathematics, physics. Social science researchers can…


Summer Internships in Parallel Computational Sciences (SIParCS)

By: Negin Sobhani and AJ Lauer, NCAR, USA The Summer Internships in Parallel Computational Sciences (SIParCS) program at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) has a goal of encouraging women and students from other underrepresented groups to pursue careers and academic studies in areas related to high performance and scientific computing. This is Negin…


Women, STEM and the F-Word: Are you a feminist?

Attending the EQUATE Scotland event about Women in STEM and Feminism on 4th November was the perfect way to end a work week in my notoriously male-dominated STEM field . It was a fun and informative evening full of ideas and concerns about women’s (and men’s) views on feminism and women’s position in STEM. The…


Why I Brought an All-Female Team to the Student Cluster Competition at ISC16

[section background_repeat=”repeat” background_position=”center top” background_attachment=”static” background_scroll=”none”] [/section] By Rebecca Hartman-Baker, Acting Leader of User-Engagement Group, NERSC, Berkeley Lab I recently gained some notoriety by coaching a team of six high-school and college-age women to compete in the Student Cluster Competition (SCC) at ISC. It was the first-ever male-free team in the history of the ISC competition.…


Graydon helps HPCS delegates tackle gender bias

[section background_repeat=”repeat” background_position=”center top” background_attachment=”static” background_scroll=”none”] [/section] By Kelly Nolan, Compute Canada Executive Director, External Affairs and Compute Canada’s Women in HPC Chapter Click here for more information about the Compute Canada Women in HPC Chapter Give this a try: Type “woman and computers” in Google Images. Included among the first images to appear are a…
